Public Service Announcement (PSA)
May 28, 2020

RE: COVID-19 Definitions: Confirmed Case vs. Presumptive Case
Since its arrival, there’s been a lot of confusion about COVID-19. The following is a brief explanation on how the terms are defined:

Presumptive Cases:
A patient is tested for COVID-19 locally, for example, at the La Ronge Test Center. If the test comes back positive, it is considered as “presumptive”. All tests are then sent to a national body to be confirmed. In Saskatchewan, the Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory (RRPL) in Regina now has the ability to do confirm testing for COVID-19 as a national test site.

Confirmed Cases:
Once this presumptive positive test is passed along for a confirmation, a scientist from the provincial lab in Regina re-confirms the diagnosis and then relays that information back to health authorities. This is when a test is considered as “confirmed”.

As an example, when you see a news headline that says “8 new presumptive cases of COVID-19, 4 more confirmed”. This means that eight cases are waiting to be confirmed nationally, while four cases already have. As well, you might hear it reported that there are 12 cases of COVID-19 in that particular area.

Again, we also want to encourage the band membership to be thoughtful and sympathetic to those who may eventually contract the virus. The stigma of contracting the COVID-19 virus can have significant strain on individuals and families, so it important we come together as a community and provide positive support for one another. Therefore, in this situation, we encourage you to:

 Share the correct advice and facts only;
 Avoid spreading rumours, hyperbole and gossip;
 Keep company through phone calls, texting, emails or social media;
 Help with getting groceries, prescriptions and other necessities;
 Show solidarity, love and kindness with those affected.

Again, as a collective group, we want to assure the LLRIB membership that we are working very hard on your behalf during this challenging and unprecedented time.


LLRIB Emergency Control Group

Josephine Greyeyes – Emergency Coordinator

Kevin Roberts – Communications Coordinator
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