March 27, 2020
Re: COVID 19 Update – LLRIIB Emergency Control Group
The LLRIB Emergency Control Group met again today to follow-up on action items, address concerns, have discussions and make action plans in regards to the COVID 19 pandemic.
We have finally been given details of what the recent federal government’s financial aid package will look like for LLRIB. Unfortunately, the amount of COVID-19 related government funding is based on the population of on-reserve band members. This has lead to some misinformation being posted on social media and misunderstandings regarding food supplies.
For clarification, food care packages will be provided first to our most vulnerable, on-reserve band members based on a priority of the following criteria:
- Elders
- Social Assistance clients
- Unemployed
Please have patience as we are trying to get supplies out in an efficient and fair manner.
Resources during times of crisis can be scarce and unfortunately, there is no way for us to help every one of our band members. We are working hard to help as many as we can with the resources available.
Our Chief and Council, along with the financial team is looking into other sources of funding to address our off-reserve membership. There are a couple of organizations in urban centers that offer support for families in need during this time. For urban members living in Prince Albert please contact PAGC Urban Services 961-9926 and for urban members in Saskatoon, please contact the White Buffalo Youth Centre at 653-7676 for assistance referrals and information.
The Emergency Support Line set up at JRMCC for band members in La Ronge will close for the weekend. We have received a large number of calls that will likely result in supplies being exhausted once on-reserve deliveries are completed tomorrow. On Monday March 30, band members can resume calling into JRMCC at 425-4852 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm to register and identify your needs.
With the funding mentioned above, each of the LLRIB communities will have their own local processes in place for purchasing and supplying care packages. We ask for your continued patience as we continue to sort out the logistics of product delivery to our various communities.
The new government restrictions announced on Wednesday March 25 regarding social distancing has an even more dramatic impact in regards to wake services. There can no longer be more than 10 people at a wake. There is no exception to this rule.
Again, we stress the following: please wash your hands frequently with soap and water as it is best prevention for transmitting the spread of the COVID 19 virus. Use hand sanitizer only in a public place and where soap and water are not accessible.
We also want to remind you to also continue practicing “social distancing” by limiting all forms of social interactions. This means no visiting of seniors and Elders or those with chronic illnesses. It also means avoiding all forms of social gatherings. The importance of social distancing cannot be emphasized enough and is a seriously urgent matter to adhere to.
A a collective group, we are doing our best and want to assure the LLRIB membership that we are still working very hard on your behalf during this challenging and unprecedented time.
Josephine Greyeyes/LLRIB Emergency Response Team
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